nursing schools in Abia State

Government-Approved Nursing Schools in Abia State

There are more than 10 nursing schools in Abia State where nursing aspirants can enroll to get their training and degrees and fulfill their dreams of becoming nurses. In this post, I will list these schools and provide you with all other relevant information regarding the schools.

Abia State is one of the 5 Southeast states in Nigeria with one of its cities, Aba, a happening and buzzing city known as the center of production in the SouthEast. When it comes to education, Abia State has recorded several excellent academic achievements and is currently rated the 6th most literate state in Nigeria. Getting your education in this state would be a great choice to make. Nursing aspirants looking for a good nursing school or university in Abia State to pursue a nursing career can enroll in one of the schools listed in this post.

There is one thing you must find out about a nursing school before you think of having your study there. Find out if the school is ACCREDITED, if it is accredited, that means the school is government-approved and qualified either to award an associate certificate or a degree certificate.

In Abia State and the entire country, nursing programs take 3 to 5 years to complete depending on the type of program and school you enrolled in. Colleges of Nursing offer a 3-year nursing program leading to an associate degree (RN certificate). Colleges of Nursing programs offered at universities take 5 years to complete and lead to a Bachelor of Nursing Science Degree (BNSc) award.

Nursing Schools in Abia State is guided by the Nursing and Midwifery Council o Nigeria.

Below are the accredited nursing schools in Abia State.

nursing schools in Abia State

School of Nursing Amachara
Umunato Psychiatric Nursing School
School of Nursing Umuahia
Department of Nursing, Abia State University.
Department of Nursing, Micheal Okpara University of Agriculture
College of Nursing Sciences Obohia-Ndoki
Umunato Psychiatric Nursing School
Federal Collge of Nursing and Midwifery, Umuahia
Archbishop Charles Heerey Memorial College of Nursing Sciences, Aba.

Micheal Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike

MOUAU Department of Health Services has a Nursing Unit that offers a BNSc program developed to train nurses to provide quality care in clinics, hospitals, healthcare places, communities, Nigeria, and the world. MOUAU Department of Nursing Sciences uses a curriculum emphasizing hands-on training in its simulation lab and other healthcare facilities.

Abia State University

Abia State University offers nursing programs at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The undergraduate nursing program is completed in 5 years and a 1-year internship program is required before certification. It takes 6 years to become a certified nurse from Abia State University and every other university in Nigeria. If you are a registered nurse, you may ask for your certificate without any internship.

Archbishop Charles Heerey Memorial College of Nursing Sciences, Aba (ACHONSA)

Archbishop Charles Heerey Memorial College of Nursing Schiences Aba is a mission owned institution of Nursing that takes pride as a home of moder nursing technology. The college has a very neat and coducive learning environment and was establishsed for the purpose training student nurses to succeed their nursing career and thrive in this field.

The nursing college has three departments encompasing General Nursing Dept., Basic Midwifery Dept. and Public Health Nursing Dept.

The school is located in Ogbor Hill Aba and they have hostel accomodations for students coming from far places or out of the state who wish to board in the school enivronment.

Federal College of Nursing and Midwifery, Umuahia

Federal College of Nursing and Midwifery Umuahia is one the top nursing schools in Abia state. The school was established in 1952 and has trained thousands of nurses since then.

Federal College of Nursing and Midwifery umuahia is accredited by NMCN to offes a 3 year nursing and midwifery program that leads to the award of a diploma in nursing certificate.

Admission Reqiurements for Nursing Schools in Abia State

  • Senior secondary school certificate (WAEC certificate), NECO or its equivalent.
  • JAMB certificate (for university admissions), UTME or other entrance exams as indicated by school.
  • Nursing or health care experience (opional, but sometimes required by colleges of nursing)
  • Health Screening.

What is a nursing BNSc.?

A BSN degree allows students to gain a better understanding of nursing practices and principles so they can advance in their health care careers. Getting a BNSc degree takes five years to complete. Nurses who hold BNSc. can learn more about patient care technology, physiology, mental health nursing, research studies, health safety and client assessment.


Nursing is a high paying and rewarding profession in Nigeria. You can birth your dream of becoming a nurse in any of these schools we listed above. Please bear in mind that nursing is a highly competitve course in Nigeria, so the greater your scores, the greater your chances of being admitted.

Nursing schools in Abia State FAQs

We have answered some of the frequently asked questions about nursing schools and nursing programs in Abia State and in Nigeria at Large.

How long is nursing program at Abia State University?

It takes 5 years to complete a nursing science course at Abia State University Uturu.

How long does it take to obtain a BNSc. de.gree in Abia State?

It takes 6 years to obtain a BNSc. degree in Abia State University for a direct entry student. This include, 5 years of study and 1 year of internship program after which you will be awarded a BNSc degree.

What are the type Works I can get as a Nurse?

There are several job opportunities open for nurses in Abia State. The type of work you get depends on your qualificatios (certificates).

Registered nurses can work in hospitals, healthcare homes, clinics etc. Nurses holding a BNSc. can work in hospitals (in offices higher than RN), as health care coach, health educator, pharmaceutical sales representative, medical writer, MSN degree holders can work as nurse instructors, medical researchers, head of a nursing school and lots more.


Accredited nursing schools in Imo State

Nursing Schools in Abuja

Unizik Department of Nursing

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